Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a science-based, decision-making process that identifies and reduces risks from pests and pest management related strategies. IPM uses pest biology, environmental information, and available technology to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means, while minimizing risk to people, property, resources, and the environment.
By using knowledge about pests and plants you can prevent plant damage early before it becomes a problem. IPM promotes multiple tactics to manage pests and suppress population size below thresholds that cause unacceptable levels of damage to plants or crops. All BPM's need to contain management of insects and diseases through IPM.
IPM responds to pest problems with the most-effective, least-risk and least-toxic option. By correcting conditions that lead to pest problems and using approved pesticides only when necessary, IPM provides more effective control while reducing pesticide use and using alternatives to pesticides. The conservation of beneficial insects, which include bees, insect predators, parasitic wasps, and butterflies, is an essential part of IPM.
From backyards to public parks, any individual or organization can adopt an IPM plan; therefore it's important for land managers, farmers and gardeners to learn how to implement IPM. IPM plans should be updated annually, and staff need to be trained on pesticide use and pollinator best practices.
Principles of IPM
- Inspection and monitoring: Regular and close examination of plants and landscapin to properly identify pests. Monitoring devices include traps, observation and record keeping.
- Forecasting: Weather and plant growth cycles predict if and when pest outbreaks may occur. If properly timed, pesticide treatments can be reduced or eliminated.
- Thresholds: Before treating, wait until pest populations reach a determined level that could cause economic or irreversible plant damage.
- Communication: Do regular updating of the IPM plan and pesticide/treatment list to remain effective. All staff should be educated and updated on IPM and best practices.
- Recordkeeping: Keep records of pest traps, weather and treatments to determine thresholds for comparison and use in pest management decisions.
- Cultural Controls: A pest insect's environment can be disrupted by turning under garden soil, mowing prairies, sterilizing tools and harvesting early. Composting, watering, mulching, pruning, fertilizing and ground covers can all help improve plant health, resulting in healthier plants that can tolerate some damage. Land managers can conserve by attracting and/or using the many beneficial natural enemies already at work.
- Biological Controls: Beneficial insects and pathogens naturally found in the environment such as nematodes and predatory insects like lady beetles and lacewings.
- Biorational Controls: These are materials that cause little or no harm to animals and humans. Insecticidal soaps, diatomaceous earth, corn gluten, white vinegar are examples of biorationals.
- Chemical Controls: Use chemicals or pesticides only as a last resort, follow the label, and only when weather conditions permit.
- Safer weed control: Hand weeding, solarization, mulching, and using animals such as goats or sheep are effective, low impact methods for vegetatation management.
IPM responds to pest problems with the most-effective, least-risk and least-toxic option. By correcting conditions that lead to pest problems and using approved pesticides only when necessary, IPM provides more effective control while reducing pesticide use and using alternatives to pesticides. The conservation of beneficial insects, which include bees, insect predators, parasitic wasps, and butterflies, is an essential part of IPM.
From backyards to public parks, any individual or organization can adopt an IPM plan; therefore it's important for land managers, farmers and gardeners to learn how to implement IPM. IPM plans should be updated annually, and staff need to be trained on pesticide use and pollinator best practices.
Steps to implementing IPM
- The first step is to accept that plants can handle some pest and disease pressure.
- Keep records of weather, when pests appear, what works and doesn’t work.
- Inspect and monitor your plants on a regular basis, before problems are out of control. Set thresholds for pest populations and damage.
- Improve soil health for healthy plants that can tolerate some damage. Compost can help.
- Use resistant plants. If a plant species is struggling, remove it and plant a naturally resistant plant instead.
- Pesticides are the last resort. If a pesticide must be used, USE THE LEAST TOXIC OPTION, only spot treat in the evening, and do not treat open blooms. Soft pesticides include horticultural soaps and oils, corn gluten, white vinegar spray, spinosad, Bacillus thuringiensis (bt). Insecticides have lethal and sub-lethal effects on pollinators. Herbicides can kill the plants pollinators use for food and shelter. Fungicides can be toxic to bees. Some additives and inert ingredients can be toxic to pollinators. Combining pesticides, additives and inert ingredients has synergistic effects that can increase toxicity. Systemic insecticides such as neonicotinoids are absorbed into the plant's vascular system, leaving the entire plant toxic to both target and non-target species including pollinators.