This website is the result of research and outreach on Pollinator Conservation supported by a 2017-2020 LCCMR grant entitled Pollinator Conservation Biocontrol. Also, this website will contain information as it is generated on Japanese beetle biocontrol that is supported by a 2021-2024 LCCMR grant entitled Biocontrol on Exotic Species in Bee Lawns and Parks. The research and outreach programs will study soil inhabiting biocontrol pathogens called Ovavesicula for managing Japanese beetle. In addition, current EPA registered insecticides including microbial insecticides will be studied for their effectiveness on turf pests and lack of nontarget effects on pollinators and beneficial insects.
The purpose of the website is to provide technical information on how to manage restorations, bee lawns, and backyards with tactics and principles promoted by Best Management Practices (BMP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Different types of restorations have different management options and different IPM programs based on the pest. The website offers site specific BMP and IPM information. There are sections on the website on beneficial insects to help you identify the many native bees, beneficial insects, and butterflies. There are over 10 bulletins to download for more information.
Please find the research supported by the grant under the button Research. The main finding of the research program was that chlorantraniliprole that is used for Japanese beetle grub management in soils and foliar management of adults on foliage can kill butterfly adults and larvae when sprayed on leaves. Field levels of neonicotinoids imidacloprid and clothianidin will not kill butterflies, as they are not sensitive to neonicotinoids. However, bees can be killed at rates found in pollen and nectar of greenhouse grown plants and garden plants when treated with imidacloprid or clothianidin. Also, the research found that chronic LC50 studies better represent the effects of pesticides on bees and butterflies than acute 4-day studies.
A citizen science field day was held on November 2, 2019 at St.Croix Regional Park, Washington County Parks, near Stillwater, MN, with Dan Mc Swain Natural Resources coordinator, Washington County Parks. Around 30 people attended the Field Day and learned about beetle banks and stem nesting bees. Research determined that beetle banks in the field are a way to conserve good insects. Research showed that hanging stem nests attract and accrue stem nesters and around 75% of the stems were occupied in one year.
This website contains the following topics:
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for Pollinators in Best Management Practices (BMP)
- Pesticides as part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Best Managment Practices (BMP)
- About BMP
- Backyard Landscape BMP
- Parks and Open Spaces BMP
- Vegetable Garden BMP
- Pollinator Conservation Biocontrol: Butterflies
- Pollinator Conservation Biocontrol: Bees
- Pollinator Conservation Biocontrol: Beneficial Insects